We now offer Liposuction

We now offer Liposuction at Precision Laser! Starting early 2021, we began training and procedures in a limited capacity to work toward getting our staff and Dr. Higginbotham up to speed and the hours of in-depth training completed for Dr. Ron to be BeautiFill Certified.

Many med spas, including ourselves with the I-lipo machine, use the term “laser lipo” to describe a light wavelength machine that can help flush fat from your body. Please understand, the treatment we are now offering is not laser lipo. It is more similar to a traditional mechanical liposuction treatment than laser lipo. Although it does have a laser embedded into the tip of the suction wand to assist with liquifying fat and tightening skin, the Alma BeautiFill is capable of pulling liters of fat from patient’s bodies. We may not pull the same high volumes as traditional liposuction, but the BeautiFill is unique in how gentle it removes fat and preserves the integrity of the fat cells, allowing the fat to be processed and sieved to be made ready for fat transplant elsewhere in your body, like a semi-permanent filler. Pretty cool huh? We typically see clients want fat transfer performed in their hands, face, breast, or butt to restore youthful volume.

Why did we go with this machine? True to our name, there is still a small laser tip that uses the best wavelength to perform skin tightening functions while removing fat. Treatments will not necessarily be focused on removing the most volume as possible, but more toward making sure the shape and texture of the skin post-treatment is looking its absolute best. If this means pairing post treatment with skin tightening procedures on the NuEra Tight, then that is what we will provide or recommend.

We are happy to be able to provide a new aesthetic liposuction option for the treasure valley and look forward to serving the Boise, Meridian, and Eagle areas for years to come. Be sure to call and request an initial phone consultation with Jackilyn to see if you are a candidate for our new liposuction treatment. 208.391.2927.


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